Falcon Private Bank
High quality image film for the Falcon Private Bank's new corporate design.
Client: Falcon Private Bank
Year: 2014
Lead Agency: Lauschsicht AG
Agency: 3deluxe motion
Year: 2014
Lead Agency: Lauschsicht AG
Agency: 3deluxe motion
The Falcon Private Bank presents its new corporate design. Therefore we create a high quality image film that gives its philosophy expression and corresponds to the high-class claims of its exquisite and wealthy clients.3deluxe motion cooperates with Zurich’s agency Lauschsicht. Together we give the Swiss Private Bank an innovative filmic projection screen that harmonises graphically stylish with its vision of elegance, foresight and exclusivity. For this purpose still images are used, in which video elements are integrated. The projection of the still images on three-dimensional bodies generates emotional camera-drives that are graphically converted into the corporate design of the asset manager. Within a discreetly elegant colour scale a corporate film emerges, which gains its quality from clarity and cogency.
For this project i did the Cameraprojection, 3D-development and -animation as well as compositing for half of the shots.